Child benefit

In Lithuania, every child until the age of 18 receives a monthly 80,5 Eur financial contribution. The term can be extended up to the age of 23. This applies to the children who are engaged in general education program.

An additional child allowance will be available for parents whose monthly income is lower than 1,5 state-supported income (2022 – 294 Eur). Children from such families receive an additional Eur 47,38. Families who raise 3 or more children have a right to get an additional child allowance without considering their income. Disabled children receive a monthly 43,26 Eur allowance.

The application for the allowance can be submitted electronically or in person at the municipality. No additional documents are needed, apart from the personal document.

The application needs to be submitted only once and the allowance will be paid until the child turns 18. If the child is engaged in general education program the allowance can be extended up to the age of 23.

Source: Ministry of Social Security and Labour

Information updated: 2022-11-13

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