
Getting mobile phone service is simple. Prepaid SIM cards with plans for data, calls and SMS cost 3-8 EUR. SIM cards are available at Narvesen and Lietuvos Spauda newsstands, as well as most of the bigger supermarkets. Signing a contract for monthly service is possible, but requires a residence permit and in some cases, a deposit.

To avoid committing to a fixed-term contract, purchase a prepaid card. Prepaid SIM cards are available in shops (at checkout counter stands) and newsstands. Choose from the following mobile network operators:

You can also sign a fixed-term contract (usually 24 months) with any mobile network operator in their shops. The available mobile network operators:

Getting online

Lithuania is one of the global leaders in terms of the Wi-Fi speed and free Wi-Fi is available in most public spaces. If you wish to set up a permanent Internet connection at home, sign a contract with one of the Internet providers and purchase a modem (extra cost).

Internet service providers in Lithuania:

Information updated: 2022-10-14

Toll-free numbers:

Calling from outside Lithuania (regular rate):


Toll-free numbers:

Calling from outside Lithuania (regular rate):